Monday, October 8, 2012

Romney Decimates Obama in First Debate


Last Wednesday night Mitt Romney totally outclassed President Obama in the First Presidential Debate and event viewed by 67 Million people. Shockingly even the Liberal Media admitted Obama lost and performed poorly as even they were stunned at how Romney totally decimated the President on a grand stage. Romney came with facts, stats, and he displayed compassion, knowledge, personability, and leadership while doing it. Romney undid $150 Million in negative attack ads by Obama's machine by simply being honest, frank, and candid with the American people. He expressed sorrow at the state of our economy rather than anger. He dismantled Obama on his failures with a smile, and most importantly he stared Obama straight in the eyes during every exchange. The President meanwhile had a constant scowl on his face, looked bored, and didn't break from his talking points failing to answer Romney on the facts, half the time Obama gave meandering answers. Romney controlled the tone and pace of the debate from beginning to end. The result Romney wins hands down.

Romney got Obama to admit the existence of the "Death Panels" and the President couldn't give a credible answer to its purpose. Obama couldn't deny that Dodd Frank designates 5 banks "Too Big to Fail". Romney came out strong, aggressive, and Presidential as he schooled Obama who came out weak and flat.

Mitt Romney also delivered several memorable lines in my opinion the most significant of which was when he defined the Obama Plan as "Trickle Down Government" this statement was HUGE! It set the tone for the entire debate and you could clearly see the contrast between Romney's Free Enterprise approach as compared to Obama's Big Government Plan. It was a resounding victory for Conservatives as we move one step closer to defeating President Obama on November 6th. 

Next up Paul Ryan and Joe Biden square off in the VP Debate on Thursday October 11th. With the media already making excuses for Obama's poor performance going so far as to suggest Romney misrepresented his positions, at the same time the Obama team has been going around saying "The Real Romney didn't show up at the Debate". This kind of distortion and negativity is what Romney/Ryan will be up against in the remaining debates. In any event despite the suspicious jobs numbers the momentum is firmly behind Romney/Ryan.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

What to Expect from the Debate

Going in to tonight's Presidential debate, the media will have you believe that Romney needs a "Clear Victory" in order to save his supposedly failing campaign. They would have us believe that Obama is leading by near double digit margins in all the swing states and that suddenly Obama is favorable again. Now this would be a scary thought, if it were true, fortunately it is not. Obama's lead in the polls was manufactured by over sampling Democrats and skewing the results based on 2008 voter turnout which favored Obama. When the polls are unskewed it shows Romney ahead or at worse tied. The reason for this narrative is to discourage and suppress the Conservative voter turnout. This method is far from new but it is also archaic, outdated, and ignores the world we live in. They behave as if the internet and fact check was never invented or as though conservative talk radio, The Blaze, or FOX News don't exist. They live in a bubble in NYC/DC/LA, their reality is not our reality. They are in for a shock come November. Now what can you expect from the debate tonight? 1. Obama to lie, distort, and smear the entire night. 2. The moderator to play softball with Obama and Hardball with Romney. 3. Romney to look Presidential and get Specific about his Plan. 4. For the moderator to cut Romney off at least once but let Obama to run on with his answers. 5. Finally no matter how bad Obama does expect the MSM to proclaim Obama the winner.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

America's Comeback Team!

Romney Boldly Picks Paul Ryan for VP

The Pick has been made and it wasn't my first choice but it is a bold and exciting pick. This past Saturday in Virginia on the U.S.S. Wisconsin Mitt Romney selected 7 term Wisconsin Congressman and Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan. Congressman Ryan is young at the age of 42, Conservative, has fresh ideas proven with his bold budget plan, and a family man. His selection has electrified a base that was on the verge of falling asleep and tuning out Romney, it reassures conservatives that Romney will govern boldly. I wasn't entirely sold on Romney or this pick at first but then I heard Ryan speak and was impressed. Now am enthusiastic about this ticket. Romney might not have been the best choice for the top of the ticket but with Paul Ryan in as VP it has revitalized a campaign that was heading towards defeat. The Democrats have reason to be afraid of this pick because Paul Ryan represents a district which Obama won in 2008, and every Democrat since Dukakis has carried yet Ryan has managed to win handily 7 times in this heavily Democrat district by picking up two thirds of the Democrat vote, so clearly he has cross over appeal and that must terrify Obama and company.

Already the Left is in full attack mode trying to paint Paul Ryan as a "Right Wing Radical that is too extreme for America", that he is the "architect of a plan that dismantles Medicare/Medicaid and throws granny over a cliff", that Ryan "hates women because he would defund Planned Parenthood.", that Paul Ryan "would destroy education with draconian cuts to pell grants for college students." of course "all while preserving those "evil" tax cuts for the rich." Liberal pundits proclaim that Obama got the match up he wanted because now it moves the debate to the future and making it a choice election rather than about Obama's record. Translation they assume that now with Paul Ryan on the ticket it won't be a referendum on Obama's record, why? Because Obama's record is abysmal and they know it, that is why they have made all these very negative, very personal, and very distasteful attacks on Romney anything to take discussion of Obama and his record. Well I have a newsflash for them, Paul Ryan represents their worst nightmare. Why? because he is the guy  that can pick apart Obamacare line by line with numbers and expose Obama as the epic failure and the socialist he is. So yes it will be a referendum on Obama but that wasn't enough. Romney needed to present an alternative vision to Obama's and with Paul Ryan a bold reformer on the ticket he has done that, now he has left Obama and his cronies nothing but negative smear attacks because they have no plan other than what they have already done which is unpopular. In my opinion Obama and Biden are shaking in their boots at Ryan's selection because this guy is intelligent, articulate, has energized conservatives, and is capable of ripping them apart. They know they just lost Wisconsin, that is why Obama, Biden, the Democrats, and their media friends are scrambling to frame the Ryan selection as a blunder, a mistake, a sign of Romney being extreme, a concession, etc. And they have already resumed their lies about the Ryan Budget, with the same old playbook of smear, lie, distort, and attack, it is predictable and we are ready for it.

Romney in picking Ryan has shifted the debate to big ideas and the issues primarily the economy, the budget, and entitlement reform issues Romney wants to talk about so he can make this election a referendum on Obama's failed policies while at the same time presenting America with his alternative vision. Obama on the other hand has proven that he doesn't want to talk about his record and will keep this campaign in the gutter with heinous, outlandish, ugly attacks because he has no plan. So it will be a campaign that wants to talk about the issues versus a campaign that wants to accuse the opponent of throwing granny over a cliff or of causing a woman to get cancer and die. Americans want jobs, and accusing Romney/Ryan of killing grandma doesn't exactly tell voters what Obama's plan is to bring back the jobs. Scare tactics and fear mongering is not a plan, it is an act of a desperate campaign that can't run on its record and has no plan.

America will have a choice; leaders with a bold vision and bold ideas to make America Great again or the status quo of failed policies, incompetent leadership, with nothing but attack and blame to offer. The choice is simple I choose Romney/Ryan 2012 and the "Great Opportunity Party".

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Who Should Be VP?

The VP Sweepstakes

Well folks I tried my best to halt the Romney Express unfortunately with the field divided it wasn't enough and Mitt Romney will be our Candidate to face Barack Obama in November. I pray that he proves me wrong and defeats Obama, but with what I am hearing about possible VP picks I am not so sure he will. That is why with the only question remaining being who Romney should pick for VP I will be grading the possible VP's based on their experience, if they are qualified, if they are vetted, risk level, how much excitement they would generate, what they bring to the campaign, and if they are conservative. Romney being viewed as a moderate can not afford to pick another moderate or a boring pick nor can he pick a flashy unvetted inexperienced risky pick either. Lastly I will list the probability of the pick.

The Boring Picks

Rob Portman-Senator from Ohio

He has lots of experience but much of it is in the Bush Administration. Picking Portman would be a safe pick but a very boring one that wouldn't generate any excitement for Romney that is sorely lacking thus far. Wouldn't even guarantee a win in Ohio.

Experience: 10
Qualified: 8
Vetted?: No
Risk: 6.2
Excitement: -5
Probability: 75%

Tim Pawlenty-Former Governor of Minnesota

Picking Pawlenty would double down on the moderate Governors, it would not generate any excitement, and Romney is not going to pick up Minnesota by picking him so there is no benefit to the pick.

Experience: 8
Qualified: 6
Vetted? No
Risk: 6.3
Excitement: -7
Probability: 69%

Bobby Jindal-Governor of Louisiana

This pick makes little sense other than trying to reach out to Indians. Bobby governs a state we will most likely win anyway. He does bring some energy credentials to the plate following the BP oil spill. Other than that he is unvetted and not an exciting pick.

Experience: 10
Qualified: 7
Vetted?: No
Risk: 5.8
Excitement: 1
Probability: 52%

Condoleezza Rice-Former Bush Secretary of State

She has a lot of foreign policy experience but she has zero experience on domestic and zero political experience either as governor or legislator. She is pro choice so she isn't conservative on social issues. And she is from a state we will definitely win. So aside from her foreign policy experience, the only benefit she brings is the fact she is an African American woman, meaning an attempt to make inroads with those demographics. Rice has stated repeatedly that she isn't interested in the job.

Experience: 6
Qualified: 5
Vetted?: No
Risk: 7.1
Excitement: -2
Probability: 40%

Chris Christie-Governor of New Jersey

Picking Christie would not make a lick of sense. He is not popular with any conservatives, he is from a state we won't win. Two northeastern moderates would not play well in the rest of the country. And he is unvetted. This RINO is not popular except in elitist circles.

Experience: 5
Qualified: 4
Vetted?: No
Risk: 8.2
Excitement: -10
Probability: 49%

The Bold Pick

Paul Ryan-Congressman from Wisconsin

Probably the most solid pick among this group of names I keep hearing about but he does carry the risk of his so called controversial budget plan. Although it is only controversial due to the negative media coverage and Republicans like Newt ripping on it. Would lock up a win in Wisconsin. His popularity among some conservatives was hurt by his endorsement of Romney while conservatives were still in the race. It is an exciting and bold pick because it proves Romney is willing to take risks, make bold moves, and decisions on tough issues. Ryan has more brains in his thumb than Obama and Biden have in their entire bodies, He would rip Obamacare, and every thing Obama has done to shreds. He is a policy and budget wonk that is passionate about his conservative principles.

Experience: 10
Qualified: 10
Vetted?: No
Risk: 7.9
Excitement: 9.9
Probability: 90%

The Flashy Picks

Jan Brewer-Governor of Arizona

Best known for her controversial Immigration would definitely make a flashy pick since she is a woman and a governor with Immigration credentials but also a risky one given that she is unvetted and from a state we will likely win anyway.

Experience: 8
Qualified: 6
Vetted?: No
 Risk: 8.4
 Excitement: 3
 Probability: 35%

Nikki Haley-Governor of South Carolina

A highly unlikely choice but you never know. She is from a state we will definitely win. Her early support for Romney definitely has hurt her favorability among conservatives. On the plus side she is a woman with indian heritage so that would help among those demographics. And she is a governor so that helps. She would be a Palinesque choice and Romney has stated he wouldn't repeat 2008 so picking her is not likely.

Experience: 7
Qualified: 6
Vetted?: No
Risk: 8.5
Excitement: 2.9
Probability: 18%

Susana Martinez-Governor of New Mexico

Another flashy Palinesque pick. Martinez is a Catholic Pro Life Latino woman so that would fill the need for a conservative and would help with those demographics. Plus it would help in the swing state of New Mexico. She is experienced but an unvetted unknown so not a likely choice but the best thus far.

Experience: 7
Qualified: 7
Vetted?: No
Risk: 8.3
Excitement: 6
Probability: 30%

The Risky Picks

Marco Rubio-Senator from Florida

Rubio's name has been floated around for months as a potential VP pick. Experts like Rove and Morris have said he is the must pick because they feel he will lock up Florida and help with the Latino vote. That may be the case but it is not definite. He is a sitting Senator and with Control of the Senate vital I don't like the idea of plucking one of our current 47 to put the seat upto a risky special election. Also there are some out there that believe Rubio is not a natural born citizen and is inelegible. I personally don't buy that mularky but there are those that do. His popularity among conservatives continues to dwindle as he made a late opportunistic band wagon endorsement of Romney, then he sides with McCain against Bachmann on Muslim connections. He is also a Freshman Senator and thus very inexperienced. Not the best choice but unfortunately a highly likely one.

Experience: 4
Qualified: 3
Vetted?: No
Risk: 12
Excitement: 7
Probability: 70%

Allen West-Congressman from Florida

West's name is highly popular among TEA Party circles as a potential VP pick for Romney. This popularity stems from his military background, his tough stance against islam, and his blunt approach. Many assume he would benefit the ticket by getting almost half the black vote and locking up Florida. I agree this would be an exciting pick but he will not come close to bringing anywhere near half the black vote, i would say at most 2% to 5% and he wouldn't secure Florida either. Most undecided voters won't care about his military record, all they will see is a freshman congressman holding his first public office. He is also largely unvetted so thus a High risk pick.

Experience: 3
Qualified: 3
Vetted?: No
Risk: 11.95
Excitement: 8
Probability: 36%

The Best Possible Picks

Sarah Palin-Former Governor of Alaska, 2008 VP Candidate

Sarah Palin is definitely the most vetted, she is experienced, well known, and arguably should be on the top of the ticket. Sadly she didn't run so would have to settle for VP instead. Unfortunately Romney is definitely not picking her and "repeating the mistakes of 2008". Yes Sarah Palin is the favorite scapegoat for the disasterous 2008 campaign even though we all know that it was McCain that botched that race by mishandling his campaign and trying to bottle Sarah. She has been a very outspoken opponant of the Left, the media, Obama, and the permanant political class. So although she is the best choice she won't be the choice. Lets at least hope they have the sense to give her keynote.

Experience: 10
Qualified: 12
Vetted?: YES!
Risk: 7.5
Excitement: 15
Probability: 0%

Michele Bachmann-Congresswoman from Minnesota

Michele would make a great pick for a lot of the same reasons Sarah Palin would. She is well known, very conservative and out spoken on social issues. She has been vetted as a former GOP Presidential candidate she did win the Iowa straw poll knocking fellow her Minnesotan out of the race. She is popular among the TEA Party and social conservatives. Would help with woman vote and in state of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Iowa. She has seen a resurgence of support from conservatives as she has railed against ties to the Muslim Brotherhood in our government. Picking her definitely would set a fire of excitement as she has stood firm in her opposition to Obama and his agenda. Unfortunately she has not been among those listed as being on the VP short list.

Experience: 9
Qualified: 8
Vetted?: Yes
Risk: 7.8
Excitement: 12
Probability: 10%

Rick Santorum-Former Senator from Pennsylvania and 2012 GOP Presidential Candidate

The best overall option that is not being mentioned by the "experts". Rick Santorum won 11 states and cames close in 5 others and could have won more had he stayed in the race longer. He gave Romney fits in the debates over Romneycare. Following the shocking Supreme Court decision on Obamacare we need someone that can decimate Obama and Biden on the issue of healthcare, Santorum is that guy. With Obama gutting Welfare reform which is one of Rick's signature achievements Rick is the guy to argue this issue. With a UN treaty that affects special needs children coming for a vote, Rick who has a special needs daughter is the perfect person to argue this issue, Rick is experienced and well versed on the issues, he has support as Romney's main threat in the primary.He would help in PA and the entire region. He has a message that resonates with people. He would make a great VP pick.

Experience: 10
Qualified: 11
Vetted?: Yes
Risk: 5.4
Excitement: 12
Probability: 15%

In conclusion Romney needs to pick someone that has the following traits:

1. Experience of at minimum 6 years in Congress or a Governor
2. Is qualified to step into the role of President if needed.
3. Brings different strengths to the table.
4. Would be an asset and not a hindrance to the campaign.
5. Would excite the base and not be too much a risk.
6. Has been thoroughly vetted by the media.
7. And most importantly is a social conservative.

Following is ill advised whiff on the Chick Fil A issue, Romney seems completely out of touch with the base of the Republican Party which is made up of Social Conservatives who were looking for a strong response from the Party's nominee, instead they get "It's not part of my campaign" I am not sure if Romney is aware but he needs Social Conservatives and the TEA Party to turn out in force in November if he is to win. After this flap Social conservative leaders are talking about sitting this one out possibly. If that happens Romney is toast. Newsflash Mitt you aren't going to win over any undecided voters if you haven't secured your base. Romney needs to use the VP slot to reassure social conservatives that he is with us, otherwise he will be crushed in November. We can't afford to lose so Romney must pick a conservative that will excite the base and lock in social conservatives behind him.